So What's the Big Deal with Plastic Pallets?

Plastic pallets popularity and usage continues to rise. So what are the advantages over wooden pallets? Here are some of the leading pluses:

1. Consistent size and shape: Produced using injection-molding technology and with regular quality control, their weight is constant.

2. Plastic pallets, specially when used in asociation with pallet cover, they are unaffected by moisture, fat, acids, solvents, and chemicals: They will not absorb in case of accident, nor do they absorb acids and alkalis that can affect the integrity of the pallet.

3. Resistant to insects and diseases: Plastic is not a favorable environment for fungi and mould growth and termites can not infest the pallets as they do wooden ones.

4. Easy to clean: They can be repeatedly steam cleaned or washed, to remove any contamination which accumulate on the pallets over a period of time. They resist high-pressure water and steam, which makes they suitable for pharmaceutical industry and food industry. This factor makes it more hygienic in comparison to wooden pallets.

5. Safer handling: Plastic pallets don’t have sharp edges, splinters, and nails either. Using it makes handling safe.

6. Space savers: Don’t take as much space in a warehouse and during transporting.

7. Meets the export requirements: Easy and problem-free export shipment, because the plastic pallets do not require expensive sirex treatment.

8. Weighs less: As compared to a wooden pallet, an average plastic pallet weighs 25-30 % less. Therefore, less energy is required for transporting; that eventually reduces transport charges. In the event of transporting by aeroplane this is a big advantage.

9. Longer service life: It is said to be 10 times longer than of wooden pallets.

10. Weather resistant: Can be stored out of doors and does not require protection against moisture.

11. Environmental friendly: Wooden pallets use a lot of lumber. But plastic pallets are made from recycled material, which makes them environmentally friendly as well as the best, most efficicient and cost-beneficial.


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  2. Used plastic pallets can easily be reused after refurbishing with near original quality.
